Rules & Regulations
- All students when admitted must acquaint themselves
with the rules notified for their conduct while studying in the school.
Ignorance of the rules will be no excuse.
- The school’s academic year begins in June. The admission starts from 15th
- Boys and girls of three years are admitted to nursery.
- Leave of absence will be allowed for serious reasons only. If a student is
absent due to illness or any other reason, a note from parent or guardian
testifying the fact must be presented to the class teacher. If a student is
absent from school more than 15 days without proper leave his/her name shall be
removed from the register.
- Students should treat school staff with respect at all the times and be
courteous to fellow students.
- Parents are requested to make their complaints, if any, directly to the school
authorities and not to the teachers.
- Parents, guardians or any other persons are not allowed to see the students or
meet them during school hours without permission from the principal.
- Punctuality is essential at all times and should not contravene this rule
without valid reason.
- Any damage or loss of the school properties by any student will be notified to
their parents or guardians in time, and it shall be their obligation to replace
them or compensate for them.
- No student may leave the school premises during the school hours without due
permission from the principal.
- All students are required to speak English in the school.
- The student should behave in a decent and dignified manner wherever they go.
They should always remember that the school is
judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them.
- The ID card and Lanyard provided to students from the school must mandatorily
be worn to school every day.
- Neatness in writing, a personal and general cleanliness and courtesy in speech
are much emphasized.
- The school is not responsible for books money, etc. that are lost. It is not
advisable for students to carry money or valuable articles, mobile phone with
- Private tuitions are discouraged and might be conducted only after consulting
the principal.
- The scholastic year is divided into three terms. First terminal exam will be
held in September and the second will be in December. The
annual exam will be held in April.
- Supplementary will be to those students who fail in two subjects in the annual
- If a student fails after repeating the examination, he/she will have to leave
the school.
- Students are not to be noisy while passing class rooms or the office where work
is being done or the room where teachers assemble.
- Running, playing, shouting or whistling inside the school is not allowed. No
student may enter other than his/her own classroom without
- It is compulsory for the students to wear school uniform on all class day.
- Use of swear words and foul language, scribbling and scratching on school
furniture and school walls and any misbehavior in our school buses
and public places will be strictly dealt with.
- No students will remain on the campus or in class room after the last bell has
been rung.